Many happy clients like our SSD data recovery services

SSD data recovery service Toronto by

SSD data recovery service in Toronto and surrounding areas is available. Unlike mechanical HDDs, SSDs have no moving parts, which means they do not make noise or break as easily. The best thing about solid-state drives is that they have a much faster read/write speed than hard disk drives. However, solid-state drives have a limited number of writes over the life of the drive. Also, SSDs may stop working suddenly without any warning. SSD recovery services are becoming increasingly in demand nowadays. provides professional SSD recovery services for all brands and kinds of interfaces, including SATA, M.2, NVMe, Apple, and Microsoft.

SSD data recovery
SSD data recovery Toronto

We have a skill, ability and strength to recover data from SSD which has any kinds of failure, like

• Human error

• Logical corruption

 Read errors

• Software corruption

• Formatted and deleted drive

• Computer virus

• Inaccessible drive

• Unable to detect media

• Power surge

• Controller failure

• Fire and water damaged

SSD recovery Toronto

Data recovery for Solid State Drives – SSDs have different registered data organization at different manufactures. Also, the flash chips configuration within array which is more complicated than most RAID system. Also, all the data on the memory chips encrypted at byte level by chips controller. Recover data from SSD is more complicate and difficult than the traditional hard disk drive. Our engineers have 20+ years to recover data from HDD and 10+ years to recover data from SSD.

SSD NVMe data recovery services
SSD NVMe recovery services

No matter how reliable a Solid State Drive (SSD) is, it will eventually fail when used normally every day. It won’t give you any warning or notice, but it will just fail one day, similar to your LCD TV at home. After watching it for 35,000 hours, its life cycle may be finished, and you need to get a new TV.

However, don’t forget that your valuable data is still stored in your failed SSD. We strongly encourage you to send the solid-state drive to a professional data recovery company like before all chances of recovery are lost.